Tips to Keep Your Home Maintenance in Check

There are many advantages to owning your own home but maintaining the house can easily become overwhelming. Your Favorite Real Estate Team would like to share some ideas that can help organize and prioritize the maintenance of your home. Using a checklist to keep track of items that need maintenance or repair can help you keep your Lake of the Ozark home in great shape.

The Grounds

Let’s start outside. Take your notebook and talk a nice stroll around your property. Look for things that need to be cleaned up, repaired and make a plan of attack.

Landscaping: Those leaves left from the fall need to be raked away from the house, add some mulch to the flower beds, and walk the yard removing sticks and other debris.

Trees: If your house has trees surrounding it, take the time to inspect them. Look for overhanging branches and dead trees that could possibly become hazardous. It’s also a good time to look at your neighbors’ trees. Make them aware of any possible issues that could damage your home as well as yours.

Mowing: If you're mowing your lawn this summer. It is a good time to get the mower out and give it a once over as well. Make sure the battery is charged and it's ready to tackle another mowing season. If you have your grass cut by a lawn care service, its time to get that contract renewed!

Exterior of Your Home

Grab your handy dandy notebook again and let’s start a new list. This time lets focus on the outside of your home. You will want to walk around all four sides of your home and look for any signs or damage.

Roof: Inspect your roof for loose or missing shingles. If you have a fireplace you might want to check over the chimney whiles inspecting the roof. Also, the gutters can be easier to access from the roof. The roof and gutters need to perform correctly to deter all the summers rainfall away from your home.

Siding: Take note of any issues on your home's siding. Whether it be paint chipping or peeling or damage to vinyl siding. Look for mold or mildew and make a plan to give the house a bath. This can be done yourself with a power washer or hire a professional.

Deck/Patio: If you plan to power wash yourself, now its time to wash off the deck or patio. Check over the deck for signs of wood rot or pulled nails. If needed take note to lay on a fresh coat of stain.

Interior of Your Home

Now let’s move to the inside. You will want to make good notes so you can compile your checklist. Write down any obvious repairs you can see. Here are a couple other items you might want to look over.

Plumbing: Check faucets for drips and look under the sinks for any signs of leaks. Have a toilet that’s running? Open up the back of the toilet and inspect the flapper in the tank. Also as you are walking through the house look for water stains on the ceilings.

HVAC: It is a great time to change your filter on your system. Inspect for any obvious issues and cycle the system on to make sure it is operating correctly. If you have issues get them taken care of now, before the heats or cold sets in.

Smoke Alarms: This is one item that seems to be overlooked. According to the US Fire Administration, more than one-third of home fire deaths result from fires in homes where no smoke alarms are present. We always hear to use daylight savings time as a time to change batteries. If that is not what you are currently using as a reminder, put it on your checklist to inspect them on a date to remember.

Now that we have a list of items you need to repair or replace. Make a checklist and prioritize them. Checking them off as you go. You will love the feeling of completing these tacks on marking them off the list. Hopefully, these ideas will help you maintain your home more easily. If you are struggling to keep up with your homes needs maybe its time to get that house on the market and find a home that you can maintain. Your Favorite Real Estate Team has the knowledge and experience to help you find that perfect home at the Lake!


Ed Schmidt, REALTOR
752 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Suite A
Lake Ozarks, Mo 65049
Phone: 573-240-9052



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