Preparing Your Home for Fall

Kids are back in school and soon the temperatures and leaves will be falling. We are only a little over two weeks away from autumn. Now is the time to take advantage of the nice weather and get your Lake of the Ozarks home prepared for fall. In this week’s blog, Your Favorite Real Estate Team will share some tips to make sure your home is ready for the change of seasons.

Clean Gutters

Before all the leaves and acorns start falling, it is a good time to get the gutters cleaned out. As you are removing all the junk, this is a good time to inspect your guttering for any issues. Check your downspouts to make sure they are clear of any blockages and that water is being flushed away from your home.

Turn Off Outdoor Faucets

Before the cooler temperature arrives, save yourself a major issue and remove hoses from outdoor faucets. If left attached, water inside the hose can freeze and cause the faucet to burst. Also, if you have an irrigation system this is a great time to have it serviced and ready for next spring.

Inspect and Clean Chimney

Do you love a wood-burning fire? If you have a fireplace, inspect it and the chimney for issues that could cause smoke and soot to enter your home. If the chimney needs cleaning, this may be a job left up to the pros.

Fertilize Your Lawn

You want to fertilize your lawn 2 to 3 weeks before the ground freezes. Hopefully, we have a little time before that happens, but this is definitely something you need to put on your fall checklist.

Store Lawn Equipment

Storing your lawn equipment for the offseason with gas in the tank can be detrimental. Draining fuel or adding a fuel additive can save you some major issues when you go to get your lawn equipment back out next spring. This is also a great time to change oil and sharpen blades on your equipment.

Clean the Garage

If the garage is the catch-all place for the lawn equipment, outdoor furniture, and other winter things, it might be a good time to clean and organize the garage.

Service Your Furnace

When the cooler weather hits, we want the cold to stay outside and the heat to stay inside. Having your furnace inspected before we make that switch from A/C to Heat is a smart idea. No one likes surprises when it comes to keeping your home warm!

The cooler weather is coming and there isn’t much we can do about it. We hope these tips will get you motivated to get prepared. While completing these tasks, and you think of getting your home listed or maybe you realize your home is just not working for you or your family any longer, let the Lake of the Ozarks best real estate team help you! Our experienced team knows Lake of the Ozarks real estate and we would love to serve you.

Ed Schmidt, REALTOR
752 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Suite A
Lake Ozarks, Mo 65049
Phone: 573-552-8177 


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