🦅 How to View Eagles This Winter 🦅

At the Lake of the Ozarks, January is typically bring us Eagle Days at the Lake. In 2021, Eagle Days will be held in March, but that doesn't mean you can't still get out and enjoy the incredible sights of seeing the eagles this winter! Your Favorite Real Estate Team is bringing you the tips and information you need to spot these majestic creatures starting now! 

What to Look For

Eagles are actually part of the raptor family. Adult eagles have brown bodies with white heads and tails and yellow bills and legs. Female eagles are also typically larger than males. Juvenile eagles don't have white heads right away. They start out as brown or dark grey and take about 3 years to turn white. 

Facts About Eagles

As you look for beautiful eagles around the Lake of the Ozarks area, share these facts about eagles to enjoy the experience even more!
  • The average lifespan of a bald eagle is 20 years
  • Eagles hunt for fish, squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, amphibians, reptiles, and waterfowl. 
  • Eagles will also scavenge for fish, carrion, garbage, and already dead animals. 
  • Male and female eagles mate for life. 
  • When courting, male and female eagles fly together very high, grasp each other's talons, and freefall to the earth before releasing at the very last moment. 
  • Nests can take months to build and are built by the female with help from the male.
  • The eagle's habitat is a wooded area close to a body of water that's rich in fish. 
  • Where they feed: Bald eagles prefer to hunt and scavenge in the winter in dams and reservoirs. (Making Bagnell Dam the perfect place to view them this winter!)
  • In winter, eagles are migrating and congregating near large bodies of water to feed and roost.

View from Bagnell Dam

The Lake of the Ozarks typically hosts Eagle Days in January with the best viewing locations being from Willmore Lodge and the Bagnell Dam. Due to COVID, the schedule and location of Eagle Days and the accompanying eagle shows have been changed. You can still visit the Bagnell Dam with binoculars and view these magnificent creatures as they roost in the trees in the early morning and soaring in the sky in the afternoons. 

Eagle Days 2021

Get ready to enjoy the official Eagle Days at the Lake of the Ozarks March 6th, 2021. Shows will be presented from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Regalia Hotel & Conference Center
• Dickerson Park Zoo presents two shows (Rotating Hourly): Shows begin on the 1/2 hour
• Coloring & Photo Contest

Osage National Golf Resort
• Live Eagle Programs presented by World Bird Sanctuary: Shows begin on the hour

In addition to the many migrating bald eagles we see in our area during the winter months, there are several mated pairs and juveniles that reside here year round.

As you explore the Lake this winter, make it your permanent home by giving the best realtors at the Lake of the Ozarks a call - Your Favorite Real Estate Team! We can help you find information about living at the lake in the winter and help you secure your dream lake house. 

Ed Schmidt, REALTOR
752 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Suite A
Lake Ozarks, Mo 65049
Phone: 573-240-9052


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