Prepare the House for Freezing Temps

Temperatures at the Lake of the Ozarks are dropping and winter is officially just one week away. Your Favorite Real Estate Team care about you and your house, and we are bringing you important tips on how to prepare your home for freezing temperatures this season. Whether you are trying to keep your home looking and feeling great to sell soon, or simply want to make sure your family is safe and comfortable, today's blog is perfect for you! 

Seal Windows & Doors

If your windows and doors tend to leak cold air into the house, it will be very important to seal off any gaps. There are several different kinds of products that can improve the seal on your windows and doors and help keep cold air out. If you don't have energy efficient windows, then this could be an excellent upgrade to consider this season. This update can also increase the value of your home when it's time to sell!

Clean Out Gutters

If your gutters are full of leaves and twigs from this fall, then water can quickly get trapped and freeze inside the gutters. As the ice expands, it can cause damage to the lining of your roof, allowing cold air and moisture to enter the house at the roof line. Be sure to thoroughly and regularly clean out the gutters, and consider adding a grate to the top of your gutters to prevent debris from accumulating too much between cleanings. 

Unhook Hoses & Winterize Irrigation

All outdoor hoses need to be unhooked in the winter months. If your hose is still connected, then any water leftover in the house could expand at the faucet and cause expensive damage to your pipes. If you use irrigation for your yard in the warm months, then it is very important to have the system winterized before the ground freezes. If water freezes in the piping, it could result in a lot of damage. 

Get an HVAC Check-Up

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, And Cooling. It's important to regularly have your HVAC system checked to make sure that everything is operating as well as possible. If something is wrong, it could not only cost you money, but also could affect your health. A malfunctioning furnace could cause a carbon monoxide leak, which can be deadly. Be sure to have a professional come check out your system with each seasonal change to keep the family comfortable and safe. 

Stock Up on Emergency Items

No one wants to think about an emergency situation happening to them, but it's better to be prepared than surprised. Ice storms can cause power outages that may last just a few hours or could last a few days depending on the extent of the damage. Be sure to keep bottled water, flashlights, lanterns, blankets and sleeping bags (rated to keep you safe in low temperatures), and candles in the house for emergencies. It's also a good idea to make sure you have a good shovel, ice melt, and a window scraper on hand. 

Winter at the Lake of the Ozarks

Living at the Lake of the Ozarks full-time is an incredibly rewarding experience. With the beautiful natural scenery and fun winter events around the Lake, you'll never want to leave again! If you want to make the Lake your permanent home, or your home away from home, be sure to contact the best realtors at the Lake of the Ozarks - Your Favorite Real Estate Team!

Ed Schmidt, REALTOR
752 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Suite A
Lake Ozarks, Mo 65049
Phone: 573-240-9052


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