10 Tips for making your move to the Lake of the Ozarks more seamless – Part 2

In part one, we shared some basic concepts for planning your move to the Lake of the Ozarks.  In part two we will go into a few more details that could make your move more seamless.  From getting rid of things you don’t need to pack and move, to planning the transition, thinking ahead is key.  Keeping track of the details (like which cords go with what, and where are the nuts and bolts for the disassembled furniture?) can make all the difference when you get to your new home at the Lake of the Ozarks. It is all about looking at the big picture and having an overall strategy for success.  Here’s how.

6) Pare down.

If you are like most people, you have probably accumulated a lot of things that you really haven’t used in a while.  Now is a great time to stop giving up space to store (and now move) those things.  If you haven’t used it in the last year, you might not need to keep it.  The more you get rid of stuff you don’t need, the better your move will be.  There is also no reason to move more food than necessary.  Food is hard to move, especially perishables.  Plan to use the last month before you move to eat up the food you have so you have less to deal with on moving day.  Also, keep in mind non-allowables, or things that are not allowed on the moving truck.  Fuel/flammables, paint, ammo, batteries, fire extinguishers, fireworks, bleach, matches, chemicals, propane tanks, pesticides, are all examples of things you may not put in the moving truck.  So make plans to use them, give them away, discard of them properly, or transport in your own vehicle to your new destination.

7) Plan Ahead.

There may be an overlap in timing of services when you make your move to the Lake of the Ozarks.  You might need to plan a day or two in a hotel until your new home is ready.  If so, you will want to think about easy meal planning until you are able to settle into your new kitchen.  If you are having your home cleaned or are planning repairs, maintenance, painting, etc. it may be easier for you to have those things done before you move in.  You will also want to consider and plan the time when you will have all the different utilities switched to your name.  You will want to do that before you move in if you are having maintenance or inspections done beforehand.

8) Consider a professional.

There is something to be said for letting the professionals handle it.  Moving companies know how to load and move stuff of all shapes and sizes.  They do it every day.  Having someone to do the lifting means you can be available to do the thinking and organizing that will make settling in so much quicker and easier.  While your home should be clean and ready for you, many people like to give it a once over cleaning before they move in.  What a great time to treat yourself to a professional home cleaning.  That way you arrive to a dust free, sparkling clean house with crystal clear windows.  Not only is it welcoming, but it is one less thing you have to do before you start nesting.  Other professionals that can make the move less stressful for children and pets would be a baby sitter and/or pet sitter.  All the hustle and bustle of moving can be no fun for pets and kids, why not let them play while you focus on making your new home safe and ready for them?

9) It’s all in the details.

Don’t forget … everything you take apart you will have to put back together.  We always think we are going to remember … but sometimes we don’t.  Save yourself the frustration by taking pictures of the back of all your computers and equipment so you know exactly which cord goes where.  Keep all the nuts and bolts from disassembled furniture in plastic bags and label them well.  Then keep all of those bags together … maybe near or in your tool kit … so you can find them easily.

10) Think big picture.

If you think about your new home as you pack up things from your old one, you can plan your new rooms as you pack.  That way things will be pre-organized for each room when you start unpacking.  This will make the unpacking process quicker and less cluttered.  Being cognizant of how and where you unpack boxes in each room is also a good idea.  Choosing a spot in the room to unload, and keeping a path clear for movers to walk is important for safety and flow.  Even making sure that you are leaving room and parking space for the movers to get the truck in and move things into the house is something to think about to make your move-in day better. 

We hope you find these tips helpful, and we can’t wait for you to get here and start calling the Lake of the Ozarks home.  We know you will love it here as much as we (and all our clients) do.  Great job on your decision to invest in a house at Lake of the Ozarks!  Welcome home. 

If you are still looking for your fabulous new home ... we can help.  Call now or go to our website to start looking! 

Ed Schmidt, REALTOR
752 Bagnell Dam Blvd. Suite A
Lake Ozarks, Mo 65049
Phone: 573-240-9052


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