Using Daylight Savings Time as a Reminder to do These Things
There are a number of tasks around the home that we are all supposed to remember to do once or twice a year. But how often do you forget? As busy real estate agents at the Lake of the Ozarks , we understand. We have learned to use daylight savings time as a reminder to do certain tasks around our homes at Lake of the Ozarks , so we don’t have to leave it up to our memories or write it on the calendar. So, Your Favorite Real Estate Team thought you might find it handy if we shared our fall daylight savings time task list with you. If you would like to know how to use daylight savings time as a reminder to do these simple but important tasks, keep reading this blog! Reverse Ceiling Fans Your ceiling fans help circulate the air in your home, so the temperature is distributed more evenly. In the summertime, you are adding cool air which sinks. Your ceiling fan should blow upwards to draw the cool air up. In the fall, you will want to sw...